Dogs are very susceptible to increased temperatures and heat stroke in dogs is a real risk.
This is because dogs struggle to cool down because they can only sweat through their paw pads and pant to lose heat. But if they are walking on tarmac or hot ground then this only serves to warm up their pads even more.
Dogs die in hot cars, very quickly, but they don’t have to be in an enclosed area to suffer dog heatstroke, they can overheat whilst out walking too.
How to prevent dog heat stroke
It’s sensible to take steps to prevent your dog from succumbing to heatstroke by:
Avoiding enclosed and poorly ventilated areas such as cars and conservatories
Avoiding strenuous exercise during hot weather by waiting until the cooler part of the day for their walks
Making sure they have access to plenty of cold water and provide shade in gardens and outdoor areas
Spotting the symptoms of dog heat stroke
As a dog owner, it’s important to know how to spot the signs of dog heat stroke in your pet. Look out for the following:
* Red gums (blue as the condition worsens)
* Excessive panting
* Distressed behaviour
* Very high heart rate
* Increased salivation
* They may go in to shock – collapse, unable to stand, become unresponsive
* Seizures
Heatstroke in dogs can lead to death if untreated.
If your pet is suffering from the any of signs of the condition listed above, it is important that you seek medical treatment from your local vet immediately.
What to do if you suspect heat stroke in your dog
You should contact your local vet immediately if you suspect your dog might be suffering from heat stroke.
In the meantime, you can also be administering your own first aid procedures:
* Take your dog to a cool area, sit them on cold wet towels and dampen down their fur with cool water
* Never submerge your dog fully in cold water
* Allow your dog to drink water, if they are gulping it, offer small amounts frequently
These first aid procedures are a short term measure whilst you get veterinary help for your animal.
If you have any concerns, please contact an emergency vet immediately. Our emergency helpline is open 24 hours a day: 01604 648221.
Pet Help Advice